Removing sharps in Choppington yourself is something you should NEVER do.
Sharps disposal is a serious task that poses a genuine threat to your health and safety, and only those who have been given the right needle sweep training and sharps waste disposal guidance should carry it out.
The health and safety regulations surrounding needle sweeps in Choppington are extensive, and needles are actually classed as hazardous waste due to the threat they pose.
So, if you require a needle sweep or sharps waste service to be carried out at your property in Choppington, then it's vital that you let the professionals handle it.
Contact the Cleanup Team today so our specialist cleaners can handle your sharps removal safely.
Sharps aren't just needles and other sharp objects like syringes. Yes, the overarching theme is that they're sharp (obviously) but there are all kinds of sharps that we will deal with during sharps disposal:
Essentially, a sharp is anything sharp that can cause injury or any object that has been exposed to something that can cause infection, such as blood. It's about far more than just illegal drugs and associated paraphernalia.
Yes, drug paraphernalia is a part of sharps, but it isn't all there is to it. So if there are sharp objects on your property that need to be safely disposed of, then contact us today!
Pharmaceutical waste differs from sharps waste because sharp removal is usually handled internally in pharmaceutical settings like hospitals, GPs, and pharmacies. They know all about the safe removal of sharps and can deal with needles safely themselves.
Here at the Cleanup Team, we handle sharp removal for any business or public areas that don't have their own way of removing sharps safely.
Sharps removal and needle sweeps are designed to help us safely dispose of sharps and the associated hazardous waste like blood.
During one of our Choppington services, the objects will be safely picked up using litter pickers and placed in sharps containers before being placed in a biohazard bag, in accordance with current health and safety recommendations.
A needle sweep is simply what we do before beginning the cleaning section of a service to ensure sharps are all disposed of so they pose no further risk in public areas or in a private home or business.
An extensive needle sweep is carried out at every area where we handle sharp removal. This means we can ensure all other sharps are removed too, so there is no risk of contamination, injury, or illness due to further sharps.
Whenever we leave a scene, we're as confident as we can be that all sharps and associated paraphernalia have been dealt with effectively.
It's extremely important that a thorough risk assessment takes place whenever we arrive on site, but there are always two major risks:
The obvious issue with sharps is that they can very easily break the skin, which can cause injury.
If, for whatever reason, this happens to you - it's important that you wash the cut and encourage it to bleed under running water before heading to A&E immediately to receive treatment.
Of course, you should NEVER handle syringes, needles, or sharps without the proper safety gear and essential personal protective equipment. That's why it's best left to our cleaners who know the method statement and health and safety procedure to keep them safe.
One of the main issues with sharps is the risk of blood-borne viruses. Things like:
Hepatitis b, c and HIV are all easily transmitted to individuals through blood, which is why disposing of sharps with blood on safely to keep everyone safe is so important.
Blood-borne pathogens are what cause viruses to develop and are what transmit viruses from one person to another if handled incorrectly.
With the essential personal protective equipment and gear, and process designed to follow current health and safety guidance, it is safe to dispose of sharps. But only if that disposal is closely monitored to reduce the risk of contamination.
That's where the Cleanup Team comes in.
Below we'll cover our typical disposal service process so you can see how we will immediately deal with sharps when we arrive on site.
It's extremely important that we assess the situation the moment we arrive. This way, we can formulate an on-site risk assessment and devise a plan that will allow us to dispose of the sharps we find effectively and safely.
Next, all of our staff will ensure they have the proper protective gear and equipment with them. Things like:
A reusable container has been proven to NOT allow transmission of blood-borne disease or viruses. They do NOT become contaminated by the sharps that are kept inside them, so they do not need to be destroyed by incineration, as the sharps themselves will be.
By using a reusable container, it's better for business, better for the environment due to the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and it's better from a health and safety perspective because it means we've always got containers and bins ready to go.
Following our strict disposal method, our cleaners will then collect all of the sharps on scene, doing a thorough needle sweep to ensure nothing is missed.
All sharps, blades, and syringes will be placed in an appropriate container in a safe way that ensures nothing is contaminated and there is no risk to our cleaners.
Once the sharps have been disposed of, we then thoroughly clean and disinfect the contaminated areas as part of the treatment service before taking away the container of sharps to be disposed of in a secure and safe way according to local guidelines.
Absolutely not. It is far too dangerous to dispose of blades and sharps without the proper training and knowledge. Hire the Cleanup Team to handle the service for you.
All of our sharps cleaners are fully qualified and have been briefed in the latest health and safety guidelines for dealing with such objects following the latest expert advice.
If you have sharps that need to be disposed of, then contact the Cleanup Team today. We'll aim to be on site ASAP to handle the situation for you. We look forward to helping you!
Our service is charged per hour, so we will only know how much it will cost when we know more about the scene we need to clean.
Fill out our contact form to receive a free quote within 24 hours.
We never leave the scene without doing a final needle sweep to be sure EVERY sharp is in a container and ready to be disposed of.
Any sighting should be reported immediately to the premises manager. If you see sharps in a public restroom, for example, then DO NOT touch anything. Simply report it to the first member of staff you see so they can deal with it.
The premises manager/owner. It is their job to contact a company like ours to remove the sharps in a safe and effective manner.